Recent and

Upcoming Lectures on Research


Some workshops I recently created...


February 2024

Improv for Increasing Classroom Engagement (joint with H. Barnes), Teaching Engagement Program, University of Oregon


Improv for STEM Communication (joint with H. Barnes), University of Oregon


November 2022

Whose Class Is It Anyway? Improv as a Tool for Teaching and Learning, Faculty Learning Community of the National Institute on Scientific Teaching, online


May 2022

Yes And! Improvisation as a Tool for Enhancing Teaching and Learning (joint with H. Barnes), Teaching Engagement Program, University of Oregon


Improv for STEM Communication, guest workshop in the Scientific and Technical Writing course, University of Oregon English/Composition Department


April 2021

Whose Math Is It Anyway?, Math Monday, St. Mary's College of California


October 2020

Whose Math Is It Anyway?, Colloquium, Bowling Green State University


August 2020

Engaging Students and Building Community in Remote Classes, University of Idaho


March 2019 and 2020

Session on applying principles of improvisation in the classroom, for masters in teaching students in EDST 624 (Methods: Scientific Problem Solving), School of Education, University of Oregon

I enjoy discussing math with people of all backgrounds, most recently:


May 2024

AWM Colloquium, UCSD (graduate students and postdocs)


April 2023

Plenary Lecture, Berkeley RTG Undergraduate Conference (undergraduates)


RTG/AWM Lecture Series, University of Utah (graduate students)


October 2022

Math/Stat Colloquium, Swarthmore College (undergraduates and faculty)


April 2022

TATERS Seminar, Boise State University, Idaho (students and faculty)


May 2021

Maseeh Colloquium, Portland State University (undergraduates and faculty)


November 2019

Harvard University Open Neighborhood Seminar (undergraduates)


September 2019

The Pennington School Applied Science Program (high school students)


Workshop Organization

Recent and Upcoming Expository Talks

Museum Exhibit

Spring 2023

Co-organizing semester-long program (with H. Darmon, B. Howard, D. Loeffler, C. Skinner, S. Zerbes, and W. Zhang) on Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems, MSRI, Berkeley, California


January 2023

Co-organizing (with H. Darmon, B. Howard, and E. Mantovan) two workshops, MSRI, Berkeley, Canada

-Connections Workshop: Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems

-Introductory Workshop: Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems


December 2022

Co-organizing (with S.W. Shin and L. Xiao) session on algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry at the Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress, Vancouver, Canada


July--August 2022

Co-organizing (with M. Fox, M. Harris, C. Hsu, A. Pollack, Sujatha, and C. Wang-Erickson) A Pair of Automorphic Workshops, University of Oregon

-Graduate instructional workshop

-Workshop to promote diverse research collaborations

Here is the Collaboration Tips for Project Leaders document I created.


July 2022

Co-organizing (with M. Dimitrov and A. Jorza) Conference on p-adic L-functions and eigenvarieties, University of Notre Dame, Indiana


July 2021

Co-organizing (with D. Barrera Salazar, L. Alberto Lomelí, A Pacetti, and C. Sorensen) session on Galois representations and automorphic forms, Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Buenos Aires, Argentina


October 2019

Co-organized (with J. Kamnitzer, A. Kontorovich, and K. Stange) Illustrating Number Theory and Algebra workshop, ICERM, Brown University, Providence, RI


April 2019

Co-organized (with Y. Liu, L. Xiao, and W. Zheng) AMS Special Session on Special Values of L-functions and Arithmetic Invariants in Families, Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT


January 2017

Co-organized (with A. Bucur) of the Joint Mathematics Meetings AWM Workshop (special session on number theory), Atlanta, GA


March 2016

Co-organized (with J. Rouse and K. Thompson) of the 30th Annual Automorphic Forms Workshop, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC


Algebraic and P-Adic Aspects of L-Functions, with a View toward Spin L-Functions for GSp_6.  At MSRI/SLMath's research workshop on Shimura Varieties And L-Functions.

Theta operators for automorphic forms on unitary groups. In the CRM's workshop on Serre weights conjectures and geometry of Shimura varieties.

Creating a Community of Learners. A webinar on engaging students and building a community in classes taught remotely, including during the pandemic. 

p-adic aspects of L-functions and automorphic forms. At the Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics.

The exhibit Creativity Counts at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art shared a creative side of mathematics with the broader public.

Improv and Pedagogy

Recent Videos

July 2024

Invited speaker, p-adic Families of Automorphic Forms: Theories and Applications, ICMS, Edinburgh, Scotland


June 2024

Invited speaker, Recent Progress on Hilbert’s 12th Problem, ICMS, Edinburgh, Scotland


May 2024

Invited speaker, UCSD Number Theory Seminar


March 2024

Invited speaker, University of Arizona Colloquium

Invited speaker, University of Arizona Number Theory Seminar


February 2024

Invited speaker, Caltech Colloquium


December 2023

Invited speaker, UCSB Number Theory Seminar


October 2023

Plenary speaker, TORA, Oklahoma

Invited speaker, Karcher Colloquium, University of Oklahoma


September 2023

Invited speaker, Duke University Colloquium

Invited speaker, Duke University Number Theory Seminar


These talks are part of my visit as Robert Calderbank and Ingrid Daubechies Visiting Scholar at Duke.


August 2023

Invited speaker, Number Theory and Combinatorics in Duluth: a conference in honor of Joe Gallian, Duluth, MN


April 2023

Invited speaker, University of Utah Colloquium

Invited speaker, University of Utah Number Theory Seminar


March 2023

Invited speaker, Shimura Varieties and L-functions workshop, MSRI


February 2023

Invited speaker, Caltech Number Theory Seminar


November 2022

Invited speaker, UC Berkeley Colloquium


October 2022

Invited speaker, Colloquium, Temple University


Invited speaker, Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar, Swarthmore College


August 2022

Invited speaker, Community-building in the Langlands Program research conference, University of Bonn, Germany


May 2022

Invited speaker, Yale University Algebra and Number Theory Seminar


April 2022

Invited speaker, University College Dublin Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, Ireland


March 2022

Invited lecturer, Arizona Winter School on "Modular forms beyond GL_2," The Southwest Center for Arithmetic Geometry, Tucson, Arizona