I am grateful for the funding that has supported my research, teaching, and outreach.
Unless otherwise indicated, I am the sole PI on each of the following grants.
- NSF Grant DMS-2302011, "L-Functions and Automorphic Forms: Algebraic and p-adic Aspects"
- 2023-2026
- Individual research grant through the NSF's Algebra and Number Theory program
- NSF Grant DMS-1751281, "CAREER: Structure and Interpolation in Number Theory and Beyond"
- 2018-2024
- Individual grant through the NSF's CAREER program and Algebra and Number Theory program
- NSA Mathematical Sciences Program, "Research Innovations and Diverse Collaborations: A Pair of Workshops in Algebraic Number Theory"
- 2021-2023
- conference grant to help support participants' travel to APAW 2022
- College of Arts and Sciences Program Grant
- 2022
- conference grant to help support participants' travel to APAW 2022
- NSF Grant DMS-1557642, "QuBBD: Collaborative Research: Interactive Ensemble clustering for mixed data with application to mood disorders"
- 2015-2017 (including one-year no-cost extension)
- Exploratory research grant though the National Institutes of Health Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Initiative in partnership with the NSF's Division of Mathematical Sciences
- co-PIs: R. Hageman Blair, B. Chapman, D. Gotz, M. Jacob
- Williams Fund
- 2019-2021
- Awarded funding for new educational program: "Math, Improv, and the Museum"
- NSF Grant DMS-1559609, "Automorphic Forms and L-functions: p-adic Aspects and Applications"
- 2015-2019 (including one-year no-cost extension)
- Individual research grant through the NSF's Algebra and Number Theory program
- NSF Grant DMS-1249384, "L-functions and Eisenstein series: p-adic aspects and applications"
- 2012-2015
- Individual research grant through the NSF's Algebra and Number Theory program
- NSF Grant DMS-1601959, "Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics"
- Geometric Aspects of p-adic Automorphic Forms (14frg207)
- US Junior Oberwolfach Fellow
- July 2014
- Funding for travel to Algebraische Zahlentheorie workshop
- UNC Junior Faculty Development Award
- 2013
- Awarded through UNC's Provost's Office
- AMS-Simons Travel Grant
- 2011-2012
- Awarded by the Simons Foundation
- AWM-NSF Travel Grant
- Bell Labs Graduate Research Fellowship
- 2003-2008
- Awarded by the Lucent Foundation