Graduate student
BA, University of Warwick (England)
Research area: automorphic forms, especially Siegel and hermitian modular forms
Graduate student
Support: Borsting Research Fellowship (Summer 2021), NSF CAREER Grant DMS-1751281 (Summer 2020)
BA, Western Washington University
Research area: modular forms, including Siegel and hermitian modular forms
PhD, University of Oregon '22
First (and current) position: Stefan E. Warschawski Visiting Assistant Professor, UCSD
Research area: p-adic modular forms, arithmetic geometry
Heidi van Batenburg-Stafford
Senior honors thesis, Northwestern University, '11-'12
Research area: Algebraic number theory, especially class groups
Postdoctoral Scholar in Number Theory, '16-'17
Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Columbia University
PhD, Columbia University
Research area: Euler systems, elliptic curves
Undergraduate researcher, U. Oregon, spring '16
Current position: Data Scientist at WalmartLabs
Education after UO: MS, Computer Science, University of Michigan College of Engineering
Research area: Data science, as part of project funded by NSF DMS-1557642
Graduate student
Support: Paul and Harriet Civin Memorial Graduate Student Award and E. M. Johnson Memorial Scholarship (Summer 2022)
BA, Pittsburg State University
Research area: algebraic number theory and illustration
Current students
Undergraduate researcher, U. Oregon, spring '16
Current position: putting together an experiment for the journal of stringed instruments and building acoustic guitars
Research area: Data science, as part of project funded by grant NSF DMS-1557642
NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2021-2022
Paul Olum Postdoctoral Scholar, 2019-2021
Current position: Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Oklahoma State University
PhD, Boston College
Research area: arithmetic geometry, especially Shimura varieties
PhD, University of Oregon '18
MS, University of North Carolina '15
Current position: Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Swarthmore College
First position: Heilbronn Research Fellow, University of Bristol
Research area: congruences between modular forms, Eisenstein ideal, Euclidean ideals, apollonian circle packings, SET
Nat Milnes
Undergraduate researcher, U. Oregon, '21-'22
Education after UO: Pursuing PhD in Mathematics at Emory University
Research area: Algebraic number theory, especially visualization. Worked on the Gaussian Periods app, now available on the Mac App Store (for use on laptop and desktop computers).